
Mock Group


Checking In

  • Invite each person in the group to use an adverb/adjective to describe the way they feel at that moment as they start group (Example: I feel excited/tired/tender from the week).
  • In two/three sentences share why you feel that way. (Example: I am excited because I have family visiting this week).
  • After checking in, share a moment of appreciation from the week.

Opening Prayer

Before starting the Bible Study, transition with a time of prayer asking the Holy Spirit to continue to guide the study time.

Inductive Bible Study

Study a section of text using Observation, Interpretation, and Application to guide the study.

Listening Prayer

End the time using Listening Prayer/Emmanuel Journaling.

  • Quiet your mind and focus on a time when you felt close to Jesus.
  • How did you feel?
  • Where was Jesus in that moment?
  • What does Jesus want to say to you know?
  • What is Jesus encouraging you to do?