


What is a Sabbatical?

A Sabbatical is both a time and place of rest, renewal, and realignment. Jesus commands his disciples to, “go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile (Mark 6.31, NLT).” This is time spent with Jesus focusing/refocusing priorities, healing from hurts, and reimagining your future ministry in God’s kingdom.

Why should we take a Sabbatical instead of a break?

When we take “breaks” we often disengage from growth. A break is good after a long sprint but will not prepare you to “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me (you) heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3.14, NIV).” Whereas a break disconnects you, a sabbatical is meant to reconnect you with God. It serves to help ensure that every area of your life is submitted to the Lordship of Christ.

Use the pdf document to learn about Sabbatical practices.